Effect of Heat Treatment on Selected Wear Property of Medium Carbon Steel Quenched in Spent Engine Oil

Joseph Stephen

Adeolu A. Adediran


The wear properties of Dual Phase Steel (DPS) by quenching in pre-heated spent engine oil and distilled water have been investigated. Medium carbon steels (MCS) were heat treated at different temperatures and holding times which were quenched in pre-heated spent engine oil and distilled water. The wear behaviour of the samples was then investigated using a pin-on-disc tribometer at normal loads of 40 N, 50 N, and 60 N respectively at a constant velocity of 1.5 m/s. From the results obtained, the wear volume, wear rate, and specific wear rate were higher for the samples quenched in water than the samples quenched in spent engine oil. The wear volume increases with an increase in loads for most samples. The trend follows for specific wear rate of most samples with the increase in applied loads being that it is a function of wear rate. The comparative consideration of all results suggest that the quenching in a pre-heated spent engine oil provides a better wear properties improvement of the MCS compared to that obtained in distilled water quenching.


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